Sunday, September 19, 2010

The less-known health benefits of water

We are all aware of the immense health benefits of the water and the wonders it can do for our skin. But, only a few are aware of the fact that water is an effective pain reliever too, when treated externally on our body. Water cure helps in equalisation of body heat and helps in temporary improvement of vitality.

Cold Spinal Bath: The cold spinal bath is excellent for nervous system, improves blood circulation and relieves irritation, hypertension and fatigue. It has been beneficial in treating several nervous disorders including hysteria, mental disorder, fits, and loss of memory.
Method: This can be done by lying down in a specially designed tub with back raised and feet outside position so as offer good support to the head. The water level in the tub should be an inch and a half to two inches, and the patient should lie in that position for 15 to 45 minutes. Complete it with a head bath.
Hip Bath: Helps in stimulating liver, intestines, stomach, spleen, kidneys and other digestive organs, and in maintaining their efficiency.
Method: This is done by sitting in a bath tub in lukewarm water. The level of water should be such that it touches the naval when you sit. The position should be such that only abdomen and part of the thighs should touch the water. The abdominal area can be massaged using a towel. Continue for 10 to 20 minutes.
Abdominal Wet Pack: Soothes the nerves and alleviates pain. It brings out the latent heat in any part of the body, and helps in cases of chronic constipation and loose motions.
Method: This is done by wrapping a broad bandage of soft and thick wet cloth around the abdomen. Else, cover a coarse woollen wrapper so that the pack can get warm with internal heat. The bandage can be removed within 30 to 45 minutes.
Head Pack: The wet pack can be applied on the forehead and lie down in a calm and dark room for half an hour. This serves as natural remedy for headaches
Eye Pack: Place grated cucumber over a thin piece of clean wet cloth and place it over the eyes for 15 minutes to cure sore eyes.
For pain relief: Pour cold water gently over a bandage or cloth tied on any painful part of the body, for temporary relief.
Gargling: Gargling with cold water for 2 minutes until the water in the mouth turns warm, helps in curing toothache, sore mouth, swollen gums, or any such inflammation in the mouth. In cases of sprains, wounds or burns, cold or stimulating wet bandages may be applied to affected area.
Apart from such manifold health benefits of water, recent researches have included other additions to the list including improving alertness and maintaining blood pressure within normal range.
The researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have carried out a study, which indicated that drinking water improves activity of nervous system. It improves alertness,blood pressure and energy expenditure.
Water is also the best drink available to increase alertness for over-night studies, preventing incidents of fainting after blood donation, and for promoting weight loss.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Here are few steps to personality development

1.Self- Improvement – The first towards personality development is self-improvement. We are the best judge of ourselves but the problem lies in the fact that we deny the our faults. Accept your faults and try to improve it. If needed, take help of someone. The process of self-improvement is quite enlightening and brings minor things to your notice which you would have ignored since a long time. The best way of self-improvement is to ask someone to evaluate you, point out your mistakes and notice your improvement.

At times, constant complain can be a bit depressing but tell yourself that it will make you better than what you were. Nothing can make a person perfect but the process of self-improvement will surely help you help you in getting better. 

2.Communication – The second most important part of personality development is correct way ocommunication. Under Communication comes, short sentences, tone of the message, clarity in speaking and command on the topic. A successful conversation is one in which you convince a person that you are the best knowledgeable person on that topic. You should be a reliable source of information for that person. You can make a person believe you with the tone of your voice. An agitated and hurried voice, creates confusion. When talking, be calm, clear and informed about the topic. Control your emotions from being revealed in your tone. Your tone should be neutral. Even a smile and a laugh is communication and are the most important part of expression. Don't spill them for no reason.

3.Self-Respect – If you don't respect yourself, nobody will. Respect all your decisions and stick to them no matter what comes along. Respect your decisions of life and allow others to follow it but don't follow others. Be protective to your self-respect and don't let anybody trample over it. Make sure you don't let self-respect grow to be a complex. When the sense of self-respect is more than needed, it often turns out to be inferiority or superiority complex.

4.Be Honest – No matter how bad the world has gone, honesty still is the best medicine. Dishonesty plays games with your conscious and the fear of being caught can never allow you to respect yourself. Until you are able to look up to yourself, you can't make others to do the same. Honesty is one of the major steps to personality development. Honesty gains you respect and also gives you the strength to stand head held high.

5.Respect And Love Others – The most important rule of in the game of life is to remember that others around you are not weak. Showing respect to others, no matter which status the person belongs to, speaks volumes about your nature. Respecting and loving others, compels them to feel the same for you. Don't let hatred creep in until it is necessary. Hatred brings in anger with it which is not a part of personality development.

6.Control Your Emotions – Control over emotions like anger, love, hurt, pain is very important for your personality development. Don't ever let your emotions take control of your decisions. Don't be vulnerable to emotions. They should not be able to control your actions, until you want you. Over flow of emotions often disturbs your cool, which hampers your ability to think. Thus, don't loose your cool.

7.Be An Individual – Don't be like anyone, you are the best the way you are. We play many roles, we share different relationships with many around us and everyone has holds a certain right on you but limit that right at one point. You should always have your space and in your individual space no one should be allowed. You are sole owner of that place. Take advices from others but don't let others make decision for you.

These are some of the most important steps to personality development. Walk on these steps to build up your personality but remember personality is not making it difficult for people to reach you. A pleasant personality is one which makes it easy for people to reach you but makes it difficult for them to use you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's better to want what
you don't have than to
have what you don't want....

18 Ways to MakeEach Day of Your LifeHappier


Give away a smile.

Tell one secret.

Try one new thing.

Make a new friend.

Share a kind word with a friend.

Listen to what someone has to say.

Listen with your heart to what someone cannot say.

Realize your imperfections.

Discover your possibilities.

Forgive one person who has hurt you.

Forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Accept responsibility for everything you do.

Refuse responsibility for anyone else's actions.

Dream one dream.

Watch the sunset.

Cherish what you have.

Cherish who you are.

Love your Life.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Shri Krishna paramaatma, who blessed Bhaarateeyas with Geeta-amrutam, is just learning to utter small words. The One who occupied Bhoomi-aakaashams with two feet, as Vaamana-murti, is just learning to walk. Day-by-day, to the aanandam of Nanda and Yashoda, Baala Krishna was growing-up.
While Shri Krishna was playing, the dust on His body used to resemble Vibhuuti on Paramashiva’s body. The mauktikamaala (pearl garland) with which Yashoda tied His curly hair resembled half-moon on Chandrashekhara’s head. Kastura tilakam of BaalaKrishna looked like the third eye of Kaamaari. The big Neelamani on the ratnahaaram of Shri Krishna looked like Haalaahalam’s black mark on Garalakantha’s throat. The mauktikamaalas around His neck resembled sarpa-haaras of Naagabhuushana.
Baala Krishna used to play many vichitra-kreedas with Gopabaalas. Gopikaas believed that the mischief of Krishna paramaatma was true! They did not realize that the mischievous deeds of Baala Krishna were nothing but great Mahopadeshams for them. Who can understand the actions of Yogeeshvareshvara, Shri Krishna, completely ?
One of the Gopikaas who lost her patience by the mischief of the Lord, approached Yashoda and complained like this “O Yashoda! What should I tell about this naughty child of yours? The women in our house have no milk to give to their babies. They wanted to atleast feed the babies, who were crying with hunger, with Go-ksheeram. From no-where your child, Shri Krishna, came and released the calves near the cows. The calves drank-off milk from the cows, leaving nothing for the babies. The duhkham of mothers who were not able to feed their babies is un-describable. Is this Nyaayam? O Ambhojaakshi! Please tell us”.
Let us see what Jagadguru Shri Krishna wanted to teach us through this story:
The pain and sorrow experienced by mothers who are not able to feed their babies is also experienced by the Gomaata (cow) who is not able to feed her calf. Hence Baala Krishna left the hungry calves near the cows. Through this story Shri Krishna Paramaatma wanted to teach us that we must be compassionate not only towards fellow humans but also towards pashu-pakshi-vrukshaas etc. Jagadguru Shri Krishna taught us the Dharma that we must consume only the milk left over after a cow feeds its calf. 
Message to present society:
It is really heartening to see that in the name of “modern technology”, even in our country where the Gomaatas are worshipped, cows are milked through machines without having any kind of concern for the feelings of cows towards their calves. Just because the animals cannot speak we are exploiting them, denying them their minimum rights of motherhood. “Modernization” should never be at the cost of Dharma.

Thursday, August 12, 2010